This was a medical malpractice/wrongful death action brought on behalf of the estate of Dr. John Doe, a 55-year-old man who was transferred for cardlothoracic surgical evaluation from an outlying emergency room to the ABC Hospital. He had adiagnosis of acute Type .A aortic dissection — an acute cardiothoracic surgical emergency that reÂquires immediate operative intervention. it is readily treated with, surgery. However, if left untreated, it is almost always fatal.
Upon arrival at ABC Hospital, the defenÂdant heart surgeon, Dr. Roe, evaluated him. The defendant cardiologist, Dr. Koe, preformed an emergency transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE). A repeat CT scan was also performed by the radiology group under contract to ABC Hospital.
The tests confirmed the diagnosis of acute Type A aortic dissection.
Despite the knowledge that elevated blood pressure significantly increases the risk of aortic rupture in a patient as aortic dissection, the physicians caring for Dr. Doe permitted him to remain dangerously hypertensive. On day seven, Dr. Doe's aorÂta perforated into the pericardium, stopping' his heart, causing severe pain, suffering and death.
An autopsy confirmed that Dr. Doe's aorÂtic rupture was caused by a Type A aortic dissection.
Dr. Roe, Dr. Koe and ABC Hospital conÂtributed to a combined settlement of $4 milÂlion — the demand at mediation.
Type of Action: Medical malpractice; wrongful death
Type of injuries: Pain and suffering; death
Court/Case Number/Date: Withheld/Dec. 2002
Caption: Doe v. ABC Hospital, et al.
Judge, Jury or Arbitrator: Settled prior to trial
Name of Judge: Withheld
Verdict, Settlement or Arbitration Award: $4 million settlement
Special Damages: N/A
Insurance Carrier: Withheld
Attorneys for the Plaintiff: Charles Kampinski and Laurel A. Matthews, Cleveland
Plaintiff's Experts: Alan Markowitz, M.D., Benzico Barzilai, M.D., Geoffrey Rubin, M.D., and John Burke, Ph.D.
Dec 1, 2002
Wrongful Death